
CTS laser direct plate making will replace traditional film plate making

As technology continues to advance, CTS laser direct plate making has gradually replaced traditional film plate making technology. Traditional film plate making requires the use of chemical agents and extensive manual operations, resulting in long plate making cycles, high costs, and a certain degree of environmental pollution. In comparison, CTS laser direct plate making technology offers the advantages of high efficiency, precision, and environmental friendliness, significantly improving plate making efficiency and quality while reducing costs, in line with modern environmental requirements.

CTS laser direct plate making is an advanced printing plate making technology with specific operational procedures as follows:

Design plate making: Initially, plate making design and layout are carried out using computer software based on the printing requirements.

Prepare plate material: Select suitable plate material, typically using photosensitive polymer materials.

Laser exposure: The designed plate information is directly exposed onto the plate material using laser, forming the required graphics and text on the plate surface.

Development and curing: The plate material exposed to the laser requires development and curing to remove unexposed portions and solidify the exposed areas.

Inspection and adjustment: Inspect the produced plate material to ensure quality and precision meet requirements, making adjustments and corrections as necessary.

Printing production: Install the produced plate material onto the printing press for production.

The advantages of CTS laser direct plate making include:

Efficiency: Simplifying the plate making process compared to traditional methods, saving a significant amount of plate making time.

Precision: The technology enables high-precision plate making, enhancing the quality and accuracy of printed materials.

Environmental friendliness: The technology eliminates the need for chemical agents, reducing environmental pollution and aligning with modern environmental standards.

Cost savings: Reduced plate making time and material costs can lower overall production costs.

In conclusion, CTS laser direct plate making technology offers significant advantages in the printing industry, improving production efficiency and quality while meeting environmental requirements. As a result, with the continuous advancement of printing technology, CTS laser direct plate making has become the mainstream plate making technology, gradually replacing traditional film plate making. While traditional film plate making may still be used for specific printing needs, overall trends indicate that CTS laser direct plate making has become the dominant approach.

GIS Tech Inc.

Jiangsu GIS Laser Technologies Inc.


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